Friday, September 30, 2011


I love flowers. I especially love when I get to eat them. It's like infusing my body with their majesty. What a gift!

Nasturtiums caught my attention back in late spring, while spending a delightful week in Marchelle Renee's presence down in San Diego. At the time she lived right on the cusp of a beautiful canyon filled with wild eats. One of those delicious yum yard treats was nasturtium and though I had read about it, I hadn't quite connected with this plant personally. The canyon was just spilling with this stuff; I had to take advantage of the bounty.

Native to South America, nasturtiums are seriously good for you, in many ways. Just be aware: consuming these in large quantities, as well as leaving them on the skin too long, can cause some bodily discomforts. Go here to find more information on this fabulous (and potent) plant entity.

Trippy leaves: this variety is Alaska Variegated

Happy flower noshing :)

-B. Pearl

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